
Authors and readers. Please check back often as we develop a calendar of events. Make sure you get your spots when you need them. You can email the Admin at DustyBooksCafe@Hotmail.com Follow us on Twitter @DustyBooksCafe or on FB DustyBooksCafe

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reader Patty M. gives us some insight to what draws her to purchase

Dusty Books CafĂ©  www.Dustybookscafe.hotmail.com

Reader’s Questionnaire
Thank you for participating in the DBC reader questionnaire.  Basically, we want to know what, as a reader, makes you decide to “one click” for your Kindle, drive to a bookstore for your favorite paperback.
1. Do you have a set budget for your book purchases? Yes  If you do, how much?  Depends on our budget that week lol
2. Do you ever browse Amazon and buy impulsively? Rarely
3. How do you find your new books? Facebook parties and friend reccomendations. Do you search the category section or are you brought to Amazon by a specific promotion or advertisement? Sometimes author pages have an advertisement that takes me right to the book
4. How important to you, are covers? Paperbacks: important Ebooks: Not so much  Blurbs? Very important That first chapter sample? Only important if I’m on the fence about buying the book 
5. Please list in order, what you feel as a reader is the most important thing an author can have to make you want to buy a book. Great writing, good price 
6. Do you leave reviews? Sure do 
7. Do you think the market will end up permanently shelving paper and hardback books?  Not anytime soon, wouldn’t be a smart business decision. Too many people like paperbooks.
8. What is your favorite genres to read? Romance (surprise!) 
9.Which genre do you seem to purchase the most? Contemporary Romance but I love a good paranormal or historical too! 
10.  Lastly, please recommend your favorite books and or authors to our viewers. That’s a tuffie. My all-time favorite to read is Eloisa James (historical) but for a contemporary author I would be hard pressed to pick just one. I love many Harlequin girls. Including Jules Bennett, Lori Foster, Kathie DeNoskie and many

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome Author Rocky Rochford to DBC

 Greetings to one and all, my name is Rocky Rochford, writer, poet, scuba diver and sword collector, among other things.

Author Bio:
 My name is Rocky Rochford and I am a Scuba Diving, Photo taking, Adventure Seeking, Sword Collecting, Writer & Marine Conservationist. I'm a handful of years into my twenties, but after living life on the road, going town to town before finally settling down, I've gained great insight into the world and her workings. From Day 1 I have been a Writer and a Writer I shall forever remain.
 I like to consider myself to be a Student of Everything, and yet a Master of Nothing, who does not choose what he writes, but writes what chooses him, be it fantasy, crime, poetry, philosophy or even adventure. After all life is a journey we all get to experience, just like a good book.
 Every read of one of my typed works, is another trip into the imagination of my mixed up, crazed and deranged mind. Welcome to the World of Rochford.

 And just one of those works happens to be my newly releasing “The Devil You Know,” an 8 Chapter long ebook to introduce you to a conman who gets an offer he can't refuse, one that would see him return in the full length novel “The Devil You Don't.”

 The Blurb reads a little like this:
Meet a conman who always carefully chooses his marks. Then one day he discovers that he’s been someone else’s mark, and not just for a little while, but his whole life. Think you know the Devil? You don’t know Jack.

 And if that's got your taste-buds waging, allow me to hit you with an excerpt:

 I'll never forget the day my life changed, never to be the same again, the day I met him. I knew it was him the second he walked into the bar. I didn't need to see those yellow eyes of his, or to notice the curve of his mouth as he smiled gladly upon the mere sight of me. Out of all the bars in the world and the Devil walked into mine.
 “Shit” was the word that came to mind.

 The Devil You Know releases on Amazon and www.solsticepublishing.com on the 30th of January and joining it on that day is the second work I would like to take to you about, ladies and gentleman allow me to introduce you to Matthew Radley, protagonist of both the
Entwined Saga and Dead on the Floor, an ebook that spent the last three days of 2014 as an International best seller on Amazon and come the 30th and 31st of January, it will be available for free download on every Amazon website.